Life’s Most Valuable Treasure

When we attempt to practice the law of life we learn the strictness of cause and effect. Kimiko Price’s priceless words of truth, justice, and self improvement are awe inspiring. Her and the family’s experience as written here clearly demonstrate the importance of sincerity in practicing the law of life.

China Seeks “Soft Power”

The concept of soft power was discussed in great detail by Dr. Daisaku Ikeda in an address at Harvard University a decade before this article was published in 2008.This writing confuses the concept by making it seem that China’s shifting away from military is a threat. In any case, the good news for humanity is … Read more

Life is Fleeting

U.S. commander David Petreaus experiences a health problem and his fellow military commanders scamper in fear. No amount of badges and awards keep life from going through the eternal changes of birth, growth, decline, and extinction or death. Therefore, Daisaku Ikeda teaches that we live life to the fullest, and to do this a person … Read more