Lloyd Fischel is a founding member of the farmer’s union in Maui County. Lloyd is dedicated to educating people about how to grow food, starting with soil. Over the past generation, the lessons of how to grow food have been lost as chemical fertilizers pesticides and herbicides, and industrial agricultural practices have become the norm. Lanikai Farms is dedicated to re-learning the lessons of the generations that came before us about growing healthy and abundant food.
When one grows more food than one can eat, sharing is inevitable. When one shares, one makes the cause for his or her own happiness. This is life’s golden rule based on the law of causality.

Fragrant Orchids has abundant species and hybrid orchids with fragrance that are easy to grow and bloom in the home. The company expertly packages and ships world-class orchids throughout the U.S.

Lanikai Farms is a unique fish breeding facility that uses biological filtration and rainwater runoff channeled from adjoining nursery structures to create a healthy and financially efficient environment for raising fish. The facility is used to introduce ecologically sound fish breeding practices to Maui’s schoolchildren.

Honeybees are an integral part of the modern diet, worldwide. Without these amazing animals one-third of the food supply could not exist, yet the bees are threatened by colony collapse disorder (CCD). In May 2013, Lloyd Fischel was honored to co-sponsor a dialogue between top experts from the U.S. and Japan. Research in many countries has proven CCD began worldwide around 2005, coinciding with the time when a class of chemical pesticides commonly referred to as neonicitenoids were first marketed.

Lloyd is involved in the development and sale of safe and natural pest control products that use cedar oil as the active ingredient. The products are available for shipping nationwide from his Cedar Pest Control site. Professional application is also available on Maui for residential, commercial and restaurant locations.

Since the turn of the century Lloyd has become an ardent advocate of people growing food no matter how small in quantity. The word paradise comes from the ancient word ‘orchard’, because to most of human history a paradise was a place where food was abundant. A key ingredient to improving our world is to grow people who grow food, healthy food based on humeric soil, its bacteria and worms, decomposition, and fertility. Lloyd’s ideas have become part of a growing farming education program, and for this the State of Hawaii named Lloyd a Hero of Agriculture.